Sunday, April 8, 2007

We're here to pump you up!

Willie is being treated with steroids now in hopes of reducing the edema (or swelling) in his brain. I asked the oncologist if he was in pain and she suggested that maybe he has a mild headache. When she recommended the steroid treatment, Brandon quickly replied, "Willie, you're gonna get pumped!" I can imagine how because I was once prescribed steroids and they made me mad hungry and they reportedly will have the same effect on Willie. Side effects include, excessive appetite, excessive drinking and urination. Yeah, as if he doesn't do that enough already. For those of you who don't know Willie was never properly house trained and I'm to blame. So the thought of excessive urination does not make me happy!

Nor does the thought of increased appetite because you know what that means...Willie will eat anything that doesn't eat him first and by that I mean garbage. Yes folks, Willie has already gotten into the garbage. I heard a noise in the kitchen and was totally freaked out that he was having a seizure. (Oh yeah, did I mention that would be the beginning of the end for Willie, I can hardly wait!) I run into the kitchen and he has gotten in to the garbage...left over TJ Ribs, can you blame him! Brandon asked if I fussed him...and what's the use??? If I was dying in a few months, I'd want TJ Ribs too, wouldn't you?

Oh, and did I mention that he has to be given the steroids every 8 hours!! Right now, I set the alarm to wake up at 6am to give the first dose, the second at 2pm, and the third at 10pm. This means that I have to come home from work at 2pm to give him the mid-day dose. The problem is next week I'll be in New Orleans Wednesday - Saturday so what to do about the mid-day dose? Well, as Dawn so eloquently put it, "What's the worse that could happen if he misses a dose?" True, he could die and isn't that what a brain tumor does to you anyway?!?! I'll keep you posted on how the steroids are working out for all involved parties.

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