Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dying Wish

We brought Willie with us to the camp in Grande Isle for the Memorial Day weekend. I was thinking if I had a dying wish it would be to travel, but probably not to Grande Isle, no offense! It was nice to see Willie outside of his element, which is the couch or the bed. He seemed to really enjoy himself and didn't complain too much about the 2.5 hour drive. He sat in his car seat like a good boy, not that he had a choice, the car seat attaches to his harness. He didn't pee in the car which was a good thing, I let him out when we stopped for gas. He stayed on his leash below the camp most of the time taking it all in until he totally exhausted himself and sprawled out on his side like road kill. My favorite part was that it was very windy this weekend, so windy we didn't get to take the boat out, and the wind would catch Willie's ears and stand them straight was the funniest sight I'd seen in a while. As you know, Willie's adorable ears usually flop over and I learned that is not the case in a strong wind. It was nice to get out of the house for all of us and I'm happy to say that Willie may have got his dying wish, if his wish was to travel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! It looks like he's guarding the beer...and maybe his ears perked up bc somebody trying to get his stash!

:) Tiff