Sunday, January 6, 2008

A whole new meaning to throw up!

I haven't blogged much because Willie's health has been fine so I decided that just about everyday with Willie is an adventure and certainly there are lots of stories to tell about Willie. So, I've re-energized the blog to be a day in the life of Willie, who just happens to have a brain tumor. As a side note...we visited my grandparents today and my grandmother mentioned that her neighbor died of an inoperable brain tumor that was located between the two hemispheres of her brain. I thought to myself, yes, I'm dog has the same tumor. Then I thought, I guess there could be worse things than your dog having a brain tumor!

I learned a whole new meaning to throw up today. I was walking by the bed headed to the bathroom and Willie was whining to get in the bed. He is not too good at jumping that high as he gets older. I picked him up quickly as I walked by and kind of tossed him on the bed. I can not tell you how many times I've done this...countless times I thrown him up on the bed. Well, today as soon as he got the throw up, he threw up in the bed! It was just instantaneous, as soon as his feet hit the pillow he puked on the pillow then stalked off and puked on the duvet! You'd have thought I would learn my lesson about putting him on the bed because that is not the first down duvet that he has ruined. Luckily, I was quick thinking and put him down on the floor and picked up the cover before it was able to soak through the the duvet. It is a good thing he is cute (and sick) because it makes his behavior much more tolerable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howdy Carol! Okay so if all you the dog does is throw up every now and then - LUCKY you - I still don't have Max potty trained - he's better and doesn't pee nearly as much on the floor but won't ask to go outside to save his life AND I never thought a little dog could GO so much! I wish he'd throw up at least that would be something new! Good luck with Willie I hope his tummy is feeling better!
