Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm a bad mom...

I'm a bad mom because I don't pay enough attention to Willie. Oh P.S. and I'm lazy. Yesterday Willie was begging to go outside but for various reasons I was hoping Brandon would take him out, mostly because I didn't feel like getting up. Of course, I didn't tell Brandon that I wanted him to take him out. I was hoping he would catch the telepathic signals I was sending to him. So we are watching TV and Brandon gets up to "go to the grass" himself and I say, "Hey, while you're up, would you take Willie out" to which he replies "I will after I pee." Willie is so excited by the activity he immediately gets up and runs to the door to which I respond by just sitting there because I know Brandon will take him out when he gets back. Unfortunately Willie was not having that, so he jumped right up on the couch and hiked his leg. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. He just jumped right up there and peed like a big "FU for not taking me out when I've been begging", hence the bad mom complex. Luckily there was a blanket on the couch which he actually peed on and I was just able to throw that in the wash. I tell you I felt so guilty for not taking him out, I couldn't even fuss at him for peeing on the couch!!!

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