Monday, April 23, 2007

Bring Your Dog to Work Day

I officially declared today "Bring Your Dog To Work Day" and brought Willie to work with me this afternoon. It was so nice to have him there with me, he is so freaking cute! I swear I love that little dog too much. For the most part, he sat in my lap while I worked (and pet him). He seemed quite pleased with the arrangements and only barked at Dawn a few times. Other than that he was well behaved and didn't pee inside once, not once can you believe that! I asked Saraho today after meeting him if she thought he was blog worthy and she agreed! After I left work I went to the tailor and the Honda dealership and every where we went people oohed and awwed because he is that cute people! I did feel a bit Paris Hiltony bringing my dog everywhere and sort of felt compelled to tell everyone he has a brain tumor and that is why I bring him places but thought that would seem odd, so I refrained. Anyway, in cased you missed it, today was Bring Your Dog to Work Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My parents kept my sister's maltese Maggie... a white prissy dog... and my dad brought her places like the tire store. People oohed and ahhed and thought he was neat because a big man had a prissy dog. I'd bring Willie everywhere... why not?