Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time Marches On

I recently realized that the one year anniversary of Willie's death recently passed without much ado.  Occasionally, I still look out to the corner of the back year where he is buried and to be honest I can not go to the vet's office without thinking about him. 
I vowed not to blog about my new dog on Willie's blog...but I must say we did get a new dog approximately 3-4 days after Willie's death and just a word of warning, I don't recommend that.  She and I did not really get along in the beginning but are making progress in our love/hate relationship.  Someone asked me the other day if I was going to start a blog for my new dog and I said "no, unless she gets a brain tumor" which is a rather horrible thing to say, but it's true. 
Anyway, just thought I'd stop by to let you know...I'm still missing Willie at times but I think that's just the way things are when a loved one dies.

1 comment:

Dee Stephens said...

I have to say I laughed out loud about the love/hate relationship with Millie.
Buddy is my first dog EVER and I just might have to be committed to an insane silom when something happens to him. Seriously...RIP Willie